We care for children by addressing for their immediate needs and ensuring the larger issues in the communities are solved through educational travel and empowerment enabling the children to have bright and hopeful futures.
We belief that children need a strong positive environment in order to develop their dreams. Socioolite Travels goal is amid to developing these environments and spaces with a focus of the following key programs.
Care: Provide food, clothes and attend to other basic needs for children.
Support: Provide safe communal facilities or care centers where care workers from the community cook food, serve meals and have daily gatherings with the children through private sources fundings and donations.
Empowerment: Provide leadership training, educational excursions and skills development activities to children through exposure for them being part of the educational trips. Socioolite seeks to identify the urgent needs in the community and partner with other relevant institutions and organizations to meet those needs so as to create a supportive, caring community with travel and tourism.
Our aim is to extend our care to many more children in the need of support and mentorship.
A difference in the life of a child! can be made with a minimum of $20 per month to look after one child, with your contribution going directly to assists a child within the communities. Get involved by joining our friends of Sizabantwana outreach program! Your support as an individual or a corporate partner is vital to bring hope to the children of our nation.
Your contribution through these programs is guaranteed to directly impact the life of a child. Through us you can care, support and empower the future of this nation. We undertake to give you regular feedback on the impact of your investment, through newsletters and bi-annual reports. We also welcome visits to any of our care centers to see the difference your investment makes in the children’s livelihood.
Contributions can be made by contact our office via email info@socioolitetravel-tours.co.za or calling  +27 78 225 2270 if you wish to receive more information or make a donation to the Sizabantwana children outreach program. Our purpose can only be achieved by people who have the heart to give to those who have nothing due to not having exposure.
Vision of the organization
To provide care and support to orphaned and destitute children due to the surroundings and other diverse circumstances and empower them to reach for a dream.
Purpose of the Organization
Sizabantwana outreach program works across South Africa by taking care for the orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs) by addressing their immediate needs and the larger issues we face in the communities to ensure that they have a bright and hopeful future. It is the belief of Sizabantwana outreach program that children need a strong positive environment in order to develop their full potential. Sizabantwana is committed to developing this environment through providing educational excursions, food parcels, clothing, home-based care, health services, social development services, opportunities for exercise and recreation, training, outreach activities, and community development. In addition, Sizabantwana is committed to establishing a sustainable and replicable project that can expand into other high-risk communities.
Toys with Roots outreach Program is an initiative with a purpose to celebrating African Children by creating an uplifting platform for toys and books celebrating African children. We believe that our African children need to identify themselves and their greatness in the songs they sing, books they read, toys they engage with and media they consume. It is through play that they can best learn from these important concepts about themselves and their world.
You can make a difference in the life of a child! by contribution $20 as a helping hand.
DONATE US$10 Towards a Book
DONATE US$20 Towards a DollÂ